+55 (46) 3533-8543
+55 (46) 3533-8543 +55 (46) 3533-8543

About US

Levida - Quem Somos
The poultry slaughterhouse, one of the most modern of Brazil, installed in the cooperative headquarters city, in a area of 30.000 M²
Levida - Quem Somos

150 thousand pounded birds per day

Levida - Quem Somos

LeVida products are produced by Coasul Cooperativa Agroindustrial, company located in the city of São João, in the southwest region of the Paraná state in Brazil

Levida - Quem Somos

Headquartes in the
city of
São João / PR

Levida - Quem Somos Levida - Quem Somos
Levida - Quem Somos

Excellence in food production is one of the brands of cooperativism from the Paraná state and Coasul entered into this segment with a highlight competence